Merill Macleod Stenbeck (deceased) Sophie Stenbeck, together with sister Cristina and brother Max, established the Stenbeck Foundation as a way to 


Sophie Stenbeck berättar att hennes företag Max Ventures, som tidigare haft två riskkapitalfonder, nyligen startat en tredje fond med runt 350 miljoner kronor i kapital. Fonden ska fokusera på de branscher som gått bäst under coronakrisen, e-handel och hälsa, säger hon.

She works closely with the general partner on investment decisions and strategy. She has extensive experience investing globally for over a decade. portfolio team our community about us team our community about us Origin story: Long-time equestrians Sophie Stenbeck and Monica McCourt founded the company in 2019 when they realized they shared the same frustrations when shopping for supplies for their horses. In addition to her role as chairman of the board of Child10 she i also on the board for the Stenbeck Foundation, Sophie is an active board member of investment fund Max Ventures and media company Penske Media Corporation. Max Ventures is a seed-stage venture capital firm that invests in consumer tech and health-tech companies.

Sophie stenbeck max ventures

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Men numera lägger hon också sin kraft på satsningar i nya, heta teknikbolag, med kapital från Max Ventures, där hon är partner. De ärvde inte bara ett miljardimperium av sin far. Utan även olyckan. Ännu en gång skakas familjen Stenbeck av en tragedi. Nu har Jan Stenbecks näst yngste son Max dött alldeles för tidigt. More about our guest speaker: Sophie Stenbeck is a Co-Founder and General Partner of Max Ventures.

Under det nya namnet Max Ventures ska hon investera i  Nästa år ska det New York-baserade riskkapitalbolaget Max Ventures, med Kinnevik delägaren Sophie Stenbeck som främsta investerare,  Nästa år ska det New York-baserade riskkapitalbolaget Max Ventures, med Kinnevikdelägaren Sophie Stenbeck som främsta investerare, bredda sina svenska  Max Stenbeck. About Hugo Stenbeck: Swedish lawyer (1890 - 1977 .

Max Ventures (investor). Max Ventures is an US-based venture company founded by Ryan Darnell and Max and Sophie Stenbeck, the children of Jan Stenbeck 

The Company invests in the technology sector. Max Ventures Management serves customers in the United States. Sophie Stenbeck Form D filed by Max Ventures Fund Ii, Lp with the security and exchange commission.

Sophie Stenbeck, Styrelseordförande Stenbecks Stiftelse Men Stenbecks Stiftelse skulle bli mer anpassad till samtidens utmaningar och möjligheter. Vi skulle hitta nya, smartare, snabbare, mer banbrytande sätt att göra skillnad – i Jan Stenbecks anda. Året därefter började vi sätta den nya strategin i verket.

Sophie stenbeck max ventures

Max Ventures is an US-based venture company founded by Ryan Darnell and Max and Sophie Stenbeck, the children of Jan Stenbeck (Investment Kinnevik) Hugo Stenbeck (1979-) och Sophie Stenbeck (1981-) köptes snart ut ur företaget, kvar stod Cristina Stenbeck (1977-) och Max Stenbeck (1985-2015) som kontrollerande ägare i Kinnevik. Inte bara meningsskiljaktigheter tycks ha gått vidare generation för generation. Utan även döden i unga år eller relativt unga år. From the CEO “The PMC principles and values are quite literally our guiding light. If we can live and work by these principles, we will not only be an exceptional company but set the standard… Apr 25, 2018 - Max Ventures possess team of highly qualified specialists of investment and advising that can help scale your business to the power of enterprise. Stenbecks Stiftelse | 320 följare på LinkedIn.

Sophie is also the co-founder of Corro, a VC-backed e-commerce company for horse owners.
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Sophie stenbeck max ventures

The fund will focus on those sectors with the strongest in the coronakrisen, e-commerce, and health, " she says. In addition to her role as chairman of the board of Child10 she i also on the board for the Stenbeck Foundation, Sophie is an active board member of investment fund Max Ventures and media company Penske Media Corporation. “The SACCNY Impact Track curates high quality content and events around sustainability that companies of all stages can learn from, says Sophie Stenbeck, investor and Partner at Max Ventures. Max Ventures General Information Description. Founded in 2013, Max Ventures is an early-stage venture capital firm based in New York, New York.

有 300+ 位职场人士的姓名为“Stenbeck”,使用领英来交流信息、观点和机会。 Sophie Stenbeck. Co-Founder and General Partner at Max Ventures.
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Sophie Stenbeck följer i Kinneviks fotspår och ökar fokus på Norden. Nästa år ska det New York-baserade riskkapitalbolaget Max Ventures, med Kinnevikdelägaren Sophie Stenbeck

RaisedToday moderators manually update and approve wiki edits - check back every 1-2h for approved submissions. Max Ventures (investor). Max Ventures is an US-based venture company founded by Ryan Darnell and Max and Sophie Stenbeck, the children of Jan Stenbeck  26 apr 2018 Sophie Stenbeck hedrar sin yngre bror genom att bli partner i hans riskkapitalbolag.

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En entreprenörs ordlista – Venture Cup Tävling av att investera i sin ide vet Sophie Stenbeck mer än genom riskkapitalbolaget Max Ventures 

2019-11-30 · I en intervju med SvD:s Perfect Guide berättar Sophie Stenbeck om det speciella bandet hon har till sitt Soho-kontor i New York. Där finns mängder av bilder på pappan, men också på den avlidne brodern Max Stenbeck, 30, som dog efter en lång kamp mot diabetes 2015.

VCs, including Luminar Ventures, Max Ventures, Inbox Capital (Mysql, Min Doktor, (

2 Oct 2002 JULIE ASH talks to his son Hugo and finds Stenbeck's spirit sails on. investment banker in New York before launching his first business venture there, Hugo, Sophie and Max, who were all born on Long Island, New Sophie Stenbeck hedrar sin yngre bror genom att bli partner i hans riskkapitalbolag. Under det nya namnet Max Ventures ska hon investera i  Sophie Stenbeck herself entered with close to SEK 100 million in her venture capital company Max Ventures, which has now made 56 investments in both the  Sophie Stenbeck förlorade sin yngre bror Max Stenbeck för tre år sedan, bytte bolaget namn från Basset Investment Group, till Max Ventures. Sophie Stenbecks eget riskkapitalbolag Max Ventures har rest en tredje fond med rumt 350 miljoner kronor i kapital, skriver SvD Näringsliv. Sophie Stenbeck har själv gått in med nära 100 miljoner kronor i sitt riskkapitalbolag Max Ventures, som nu gjort 56 investeringar i både USA  Max Ventures har satt upp tre fonder – varav den senaste motsvarar 290 miljoner kronor i kapital.

The partners have a decade of successfully investing early stage companies across the globe. From the CEO “The PMC principles and values are quite literally our guiding light. If we can live and work by these principles, we will not only be an exceptional company but set the standard…